I REMEMBER the day about 32 years ago when my mother suggested to my father that I was, “just going through a stage.” And that “it would soon pass.”
She was commenting on my rebellious spirit that didn’t really mesh well with her standards of how a good Christian son should behave. Not that I was a bad apple. I wasn’t stealing, or getting kicked out of school. (Unlike most Brampton boys, I wasn’t even throwing snowballs at buses.) I was simply asking “why?” too often.
Mom preferred to hear, “yes.” She wanted me to stop questioning that which shouldn’t be questioned. And stop being so annoyingly rambunctious. Clearly my mom thought I was a bit of a special project -- her project.
Unfortunately for my mother, that inquisitive spirit never really went away. But now that special project is managed by me.
And that’s the reason for The Don Saynor Project. What started out as a website to feature my advertising portfolio quickly morphed into something a little different. It’s become a collection of things and thoughts that reflect who I am. Part bio. Part resume. Part portfolio. Part dialogue. Part collection of things I find interesting.
Really, it’s just a place for you to learn about me. And for me to learn about myself. (Kumbaya anyone?)
There I am on the right in 1979; the Grade 8 year book shot. Vice President of the student council. A bit of a big wheel for sure. Notice the Levi shirt and Nike Bruins. Also notice my best pal Warren Mulliss (Mr. President) and me are sitting and the two girls are standing. More than likely they were taller. Remember, it was during awkward years when “our bodies were changing.”